"I'm not afraid because it's my second surgery." Lee Jung-hoo has no problem with diving-sliding "hustle play."

"I'm not afraid because it's my second surgery." Lee Jung-hoo has no problem with diving-sliding "hustle play."

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Lee Jung-hoo of the San Francisco Giants in the Major League Baseball does not feel any trauma from the injuries and surgeries he suffered last year.

Lee Jung-hoo conducted spring training at Scottsdale Stadium in Scottsdale, Arizona on the 19th (Korea Standard Time).

During the defense training in the outfield on the day, Lee received training on fence play. The coach even showed off his pitching posture by hitting the fence in the outfield. On May 13 last year, Lee injured his left shoulder while trying to catch a homerun-like hit against the fence in the game against Cincinnati, and ended the season after undergoing surgery.

Lee Jung-hoo, who met after the training, said, "At this time, outfield instructors always come and talk a lot about defense. It was a time to talk about things like fence play, communication between outfielders during games, and how to communicate with each other when the ball gets in the sun. We did it last year, and this year was also a time to hear about it again."

In the baserunning play training conducted on the outfield lawn, Lee Jung-hoo extended his arms and practiced "head first sliding" that went into the head first, and alternately "ventleg sliding" that went into the leg while folding his legs.

He naturally performed headfirst sliding with impact on his shoulders. When asked if he was okay with headfirst sliding, Lee said, "Shoulders are fine. Everything is fine now."

Lee Jung-hoo was hurt due to injury, but is not afraid to catch a dive. "I told him to be careful of diving at trial games, but he can't do it as he pleases at the beginning of the season. I got hurt while diving in Korea, but that is something I did wrong. Now I am training to dive so as not to hurt myself, and I think it will be okay if I let him get used to it while digesting well. Even after the first surgery, I dived. I held a lot while sliding, so I don't think those things will be a big problem," he said.

When Lee Jung-hoo was playing for Kiwoom in the KBO League 메이저놀이터, he had surgery on his left shoulder in the semi-playoff match against Hanwha in 2018. He had surgery on the same part for the second time last year. "I had my first (shoulder) surgery at that time, and it was my second surgery last year. I feel much better now than when I had my first surgery," Lee said. "Actually, I felt no fear at all. Rather, I was a little more scared when I slid after returning from my first surgery."
The live batting was conducted on the same day, but the situation of the pitchers who were pitching live was twisted and they only hit once. As he was a left-handed pitcher, the coach told him not to hit, and the pitcher filled up the pitch and there were not enough pitchers to throw. After watching three balls out of the strike zone in a row at bat, the fourth pitch was also a ball, but he intentionally hit it. When he was fouled toward the first base, he even broke his bat.

Lee Jung-hoo, whose live batting ended with No. 1, said, "Yesterday, I just watched the ball. That's why I wanted to hit a lot today, but I couldn't afford it. When pitchers throw bullpen pitching, I think they should go and look at their eyes. Still, we have live batting tomorrow and exhibition games in the future, so we can prepare for it then." After finishing his official training on the day, Lee moved to the indoor batting ground to bat.

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